Alpha-CGRP (clone ), anti-human, rat

Alpha-CGRP (clone ), anti-human, rat

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Catalog Nr.: 250237
Size: 0.2 mg
Isotype: Mouse IgG1
Applications: E, IHC
Protein Family: Hormones, Receptors and Channels

Pathway and Disease: Endocrine System, Nervous and Sensory Systems

Calcitonin gene-related peptide is a 37 amino-acid vasoactive neuropeptide (MW 3789) widely expressed throughout the central and peripheral nervous system. CGRP has potent vasodilatory effects probably serving as a regulator of regional blood flow, in addition to a variety of other cellular effects. This antibody binds an epitope within the aa 19-37 of human alpha-CGRP. Based on inhibition ELISA, this antibody cross-reacts up to 12% with human beta-CGRP and human amylin, whereas there is weak cross-reaction (<4%) with rat alpha-CGRP.

Alternate Names: Calcitonin gene-related peptide 1 (Precursor), CGRP-1, Alpha-type CGRP

Application Notes: Product Cat. No. 250237 binds free human alpha-CGRP in solution. The ELISA dilution guideline applies to human alpha-CGRP coated directly at 1.0 ug/ml. Product Cat. No. 250237 (as biotinylated detection antibody) forms a sandwich ELISA pair with Product Cat. No. 250238 (as capture antibody) for measuring human alpha-CGRP, giving a detection limit of 0.13 nmol/l in an unoptimized buffer assay. The antibody is used in IHC with paraffin-embedded tissues. E: 1:8,000; IHC: 1:200-1:400

Accession No.: P06881

Antigen: Synthetic human alpha-CGRP adsorbed onto aluminum hydroxide gel

Format: Each vial contains 0.2 mg IgG in 0.2 ml (1 mg/ml) of PBS pH7.4 with 0.09% sodium azide. Antibody was purified by Protein-A/G affinity chromatography.

Store at 4°C. Product is guaranteed 6 months from the date of shipment.
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