BES Buffer 0.5M, pH 7.0

BES Buffer 0.5M, pH 7.0

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Catalog Number: BW-40220003
CAS Number: 66992-27-6
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Synonym: N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid sodium salt, BES sodium salt

Belongs to the class of Good buffers, as described in the research of Dr. Norman Good et al. (1966), optimized for molecular biology and biochemistry applications. The characteristics of a Good′s buffer include: pKa between 6.0 and 8.0, high solubility, non toxic, limited effect on biochemical reactions, very low absorbance between 240-700 nm, enzymatic and hydrolytic stability, minimal changes due to temperature and concentration, limited effects due to ionic or salt composition of the solution, limited interaction with mineral cations and limited permeability of biological membranes.

Technical Information :
Useful pH range : 6.4 - 7.8
pKa (25 °C) : 7.1 (Free acid)

Warning: For laboratory use only. Not fit for agricultural, household, clinical use or human consumption.

Molecular Weight : 213.25
Molecular Formula : C6H14NNaO5S
pH : 7
Hazmat Shipping : Non-hazardous
Storage : 2-8°C
Solubility : Soluble in water
Appearance Form : Liquid
Brand Name : bioPLUS
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