C1 Inhibitor (clone 8F3), anti-human

C1 Inhibitor (clone 8F3), anti-human

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Catalog Nr.: 250425
Size: 0.2 mg
Isotype: Mouse IgG1
Applications: E
Protein Family: Enzymes, Peptidases

Pathway and Disease: Immune System

C1-inhibitor (C1INH) functions as a regulator of the activation of the classical complement pathway and of the contact activation system of kinin generation and coagulation. Its primary biologically relevant target proteinases are C1r, C1s, coagulation factors XIa and XIIa, and plasma kallikrein. C1-inhibitor consists of one polypeptide chain and has a molecular mass of 104 kDa. Serum concentration has been determined to 180 µg/ml. This antibody is specific for human C1INH.

Alternate Names: C1 Inh, C1Inh, C1 esterase inhibitor, C1-inhibiting factor

Application Notes: Product Cat. No. 250425 reacts strongly in sandwich ELISA with C1INH in human serum/plasma and a polyclonal antibody, or in direct ELISA with C1INH coated directly onto the microtiter well. E: 1:16,000

Accession No.: P05155

Antigen: C1-inhibitor (C1INH) isolated from human plasma

Format: Each vial contains 0.2 mg IgG in 0.2 ml (1 mg/ml) of PBS pH7.4 with 0.09% sodium azide. Antibody was purified by Protein-A/G affinity chromatography.

Store at 4°C. Product is guaranteed 6 months from the date of shipment.

Product Citations:
[1] Li Y et al. 2016. PLoS One. 11(5): e0155502. PMID 27171165.
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