Calcium Chloride Anhydrous

Calcium Chloride Anhydrous

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Catalog Number: BW-40300012
CAS Number: 10043-52-4
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Calcium Chloride, anhydrous

Reagent used in tissue culture media and commonly used for competent cell preparation

Usually ships within 24 hours.
This product is sold for laboratory research use only.

Acidity: 8-9
Appearance: White solid
Boiling Point: 1935°C
Density: 2.15 g/cm3
HS Code: 28272000
IUPAC_Name: Calcium Chloride
Melting Point: 772 °C
RTECS Number: EV9800000

Molecular Weight: 110.98
Molecular Formula: CaCl2
Purity: >93%
Hazmat Shipping: Non-Hazardous
Storage: RT
Solubility: H2O: 740 mg/mL at 20°C, 1.59 g/mL at 100°C. Soluble in alcohol, acetic acid, and acetone.
Appearance Form: Powder
Appearance Color: White
Melting Point: 772°C
Boiling Point: >1600°C
Density: 2.15 g/mL
HTS Code: 28272000
EC No.: 233-140-8
Brand Name: bioPLUS™
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