Clean-Easy™ Agarose Purification Kit
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Catalog Number: AN0070 (50 rxn), AN0071 (100 rxn), AN0071-XL (250 rxn)
For an Accurate, Rapid & Highly Efficient DNA Extraction from Agarose Gels
For an Accurate, Rapid & Highly Efficient DNA Extraction from Agarose Gels
CleanEasy™ Agarose Purification Kit provides an accurate, rapid and highly efficient method to extract DNA from agarose gels. The kit uses HigherPurity™ breakthrough technology based in solubilisation and binding of DNA to a silica membrane in presence of chaotropic salts. Comfortable CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns contains an exclusive membrane that allows binding a unique DNA fragment, previously excised from agarose gel.
Advantages & Features
- Extremely fast and easy procedure: it takes 5 minutes to results with minimal handling steps.
- Reproducible yields: higher than 80% DNA Recovery (0.7 – 1% agarose) and reproducible yields of pure DNA.
- Versatile: compatible with a wide spectrum of size fragments, suitable since 100 bp up or any kind of agarose and gel buffer systems.
- Pure genomic DNA: ready-to-use in all Molecular Biology applications.
Includes for 50 rxn:
- 50 CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns
- 50 Collection tubes (2 mL)
- 60 mL QG Buffer
- 11.25 mL PE Buffer
- 10 mL EB Buffer
Purification of DNA fragments (obtained by PCR or digestion with restriction enzymes) from agarose gels.
– Purified DNA suitable for all common Molecular Biology applications, such as:
- PCR.
- Cloning.
- DNA sequencing.
- Southern blot analysis.
Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: All components can be stored at Room Temperature (15–25 °C).
Advantages & Features
- Extremely fast and easy procedure: it takes 5 minutes to results with minimal handling steps.
- Reproducible yields: higher than 80% DNA Recovery (0.7 – 1% agarose) and reproducible yields of pure DNA.
- Versatile: compatible with a wide spectrum of size fragments, suitable since 100 bp up or any kind of agarose and gel buffer systems.
- Pure genomic DNA: ready-to-use in all Molecular Biology applications.
Includes for 50 rxn:
- 50 CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns
- 50 Collection tubes (2 mL)
- 60 mL QG Buffer
- 11.25 mL PE Buffer
- 10 mL EB Buffer
Purification of DNA fragments (obtained by PCR or digestion with restriction enzymes) from agarose gels.
– Purified DNA suitable for all common Molecular Biology applications, such as:
- PCR.
- Cloning.
- DNA sequencing.
- Southern blot analysis.
Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: All components can be stored at Room Temperature (15–25 °C).
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