Clean-Easy™ PCR Purification Kit

Clean-Easy™ PCR Purification Kit

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Catalog Number: AN0063 (50 rxn), AN0064 (100 rxn), AN0064-XL (250 rxn)
For Highly Efficient, Consistent & Rapid Purification of DNA and remove Contaminants from Reaction mixtures
CleanEasy™ PCR Purification Kit provides an highly efficient, consistent and rapid method to purify DNA and remove contaminants from reaction mixtures (e.g. PCR, digestion or labeling reactions). Comfortable CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns contains an exclusive membrane that allows DNA adsorption in presence of chaotropic salts and the removal of contaminants.

Advantages & Features
- Really fast and easy procedure: it takes 14 minutes to get results with minimal handling steps.
- Reproducible yields: high DNA Recovery (70-90%) and consistent yields of pure DNA.
- Sensitive: proven performance for DNA fragments as short as 75 bp.
- Pure genomic DNA: ready-to-use in all Molecular Biology applications.

Includes for 50 rxn:
- 50 CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns
- 50 Collection tubes
- 25 mL PB Buffer
- 11.25 mL PE Buffer
- 9 mL EB Buffer

- Removal of proteins and salts from PCR, restriction digestion, dephosphorylation, ligation or labelling reactions.
- Changing of a restriction enzyme buffer.
- Re-purification of genomic DNA.

Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: Room Temperature.
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