HigherPurity™ Bacterial DNA Isolation Kit

HigherPurity™ Bacterial DNA Isolation Kit

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Catalog Number: AN0066 (50 rxn), AN0067 (100 rxn), AN0067-XL (250 rxn)
For an Accurate, Easy & Rapid High Quality DNA Isolation from both Gram (-) and Gram (+) Bacteria
HigherPurity™ Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation Kit provides an accurate, easy-to use and rapid method to isolate high quality DNA from both Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria. The kit uses HigherPurity™ breakthrough technology based in the ability to bind silica in the presence of high concentrations of chaotropic salts as guanidinium thiocyanate.

The extraction process uses comfortable CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns and includes an initial cell-wall lysis step with the appropriate enzyme to ensure efficient cell lysis and DNA release from the cell.

Advantages & Features
- Highly efficient: yields up to 24 mg.
- Really fast and easy procedure: it takes 78 minutes to get results with minimal handling steps.
- Safe: avoids phenol/chloroform extraction.
- Convenient: ideal for bacterial DNA isolation from cell pellets after culturing.

Includes for 50 rxn:
- 50 CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns
- 50 Collection tubes
- 15 mL BR-1 Buffer
- 20 mL BLU Buffer
- 30 mL WB1 Buffer
- 30 mL WB2 Buffer
- 15 mL EB Buffer
- 30 mg Proteinase K
- 25 mg Lysozyme

Purified DNA suitable for all common Molecular Biology applications, such as:
- Digestion with restriction enzymes.
- Automated sequencing.
- PCR template.
- Southern Blots.

Shipping & Storage
Shipped at: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: All components can be stored at Room Temperature, except Proteinase K and Lysozyme (4 ºC). Proteinase K should be stored at -20 ºC for longer-term storage.
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