HigherPurity™ Blood/Cultured Cell Total RNA Kit
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Catalog Number: AN0145 (50 rxn), AN0146 (100 rxn), AN0146-XL (250 rxn)
For a Highly Efficient, Easy & Convenient Total RNA from fresh whole Human Blood and Cultured cells
For a Highly Efficient, Easy & Convenient Total RNA from fresh whole Human Blood and Cultured cells
The kit is a highly efficient, easy and convenient HigherPurity™ Blood/Cultured Cell Total RNA Kit designed specifically for purifying Total RNA from fresh whole Human blood and cultured cells.
It is based in the use of special detergents and chaotropic salt to lyse cells and inactivate RNase. Once all contaminants have been removed the purified Total RNA is eluted by RNase-Free Water.
Advantages & Features
- Highly efficient: yields up to 2 μg from whole blood or up to 30 μg from 1×106 293T cells.
- Easy and fast protocol: ready-to-use Total RNA in 19 minutes.
- Convenient: flexible column applicability (centrifugation and vaccum).
- Optimized spin colums: for Total RNA extraction.
- High Binding capacity: < 100 μg Total RNA/column.
- Minimal Sample Volume: less of 300 μl whole blood is needed.
- Minimum elution volume: 40 μL.
Includes for 50 rxn:
- 120 mL RL Buffer
- 25 mL Buffer
- 30 mL Wash Buffer 1
- 15 mL Wash Buffer 2 (concentrate)
- 10 mL RNase-free Water
- 50 RNAprep spin column
- 50 Filter Column
- 100 Collection Tube
- 50 Elution Tube
- Northern Blotting.
- Primer Extension.
- mRNA Selection.
- cDNA Synthesis.
Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: All components can be stored at Room Temperature (15 – 25 °C).
It is based in the use of special detergents and chaotropic salt to lyse cells and inactivate RNase. Once all contaminants have been removed the purified Total RNA is eluted by RNase-Free Water.
Advantages & Features
- Highly efficient: yields up to 2 μg from whole blood or up to 30 μg from 1×106 293T cells.
- Easy and fast protocol: ready-to-use Total RNA in 19 minutes.
- Convenient: flexible column applicability (centrifugation and vaccum).
- Optimized spin colums: for Total RNA extraction.
- High Binding capacity: < 100 μg Total RNA/column.
- Minimal Sample Volume: less of 300 μl whole blood is needed.
- Minimum elution volume: 40 μL.
Includes for 50 rxn:
- 120 mL RL Buffer
- 25 mL Buffer
- 30 mL Wash Buffer 1
- 15 mL Wash Buffer 2 (concentrate)
- 10 mL RNase-free Water
- 50 RNAprep spin column
- 50 Filter Column
- 100 Collection Tube
- 50 Elution Tube
- Northern Blotting.
- Primer Extension.
- mRNA Selection.
- cDNA Synthesis.
Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: All components can be stored at Room Temperature (15 – 25 °C).
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