HigherPurity™ Blood DNA Extraction Kit

HigherPurity™ Blood DNA Extraction Kit

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Catalog Number: AN0049 (100 mL (5 mL- 10 mL/rxn)
For a Reliable, Easy & High-Quality isolation of DNA from 5 mL or 10 mL of Whole Blood, Buffy Coat or Cultured Cells
HigherPurity™ Blood DNA Extraction Kit is a reliable, easy-to-use and rapid method for high-quality genomic DNA Purification from various sources, including: whole blood, buffy coat or cultured cells. The procedure includes: lysis, protein removal, DNA precipitation, washing and hydration.

Advantages & Features
- Highly efficient: 100-250 μg of Genomic DNA from a 5 mL Blood sample (150-500 μg from a 10 mL).
- Versatile: high quality DNA obtained from different sources.
- Safe and convenient: avoids phenol/chloroform extraction.
- Pure genomic DNA: ready-to-use in all Molecular Biology applications.

- 3 x 100 mL S1 Buffer
- 100 mL S2 Buffer
- 50 mL S3 Buffer
- 100 mg Proteinase K
- 15 mL EB Buffer

Purified DNA suitable for all common Molecular Biology applications, such as:
- PCR.
- Cloning.
- DNA sequencing.
- Southern blot analysis.

Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: All components can be stored at Room Temperature, except Proteinase (4 ºC). Proteinase K should be stored at -20 ºC for longer-term storage. If any kit reagent forms a precipitate, warm at 55–65 °C until the precipitate dissolves, and allow to cool to room temperature before use.
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