HigherPurity™ Milk Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit

HigherPurity™ Milk Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit

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Catalog Number: AN0242 (100 rxn
For a Reliable, Easy & Rapid DNA Purification from Bacterial DNA from Milk
HigherPurity™ Milk Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit it is designed for reliable, easy and fast the extraction of Bacterial DNA from Milk.

The Kit uses a combination of mechanical and chemical lysis to homogenize milk samples. The mechanical disruption ensures complete lysis of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. After the samples have been homogenized, lysis mixtures should be cleared by centrifugation in order to remove contaminants and residual cellular debris. The clear supernatant is then mixed with the binding buffer to create conditions for optimal binding to the silica membrane column. After washing for efficient removal of potential PCR inhibitors, DNA can be eluted in low salt buffer or water, and is ready-to-use in subsequent reactions.

Advantages & Features
- Easy and Fast protocol: obtain results in few minutes.
- High-quality DNA obtained, ready-to-use in all Molecular Biology applications.
- Safe and Convenient: avoids phenol/chloroform Extraction.
- Efficient: up to 250 μL (depending on the sample material amount and type).
- Silica membrane technology.
- Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors for reliable downstream applications.

50 Minispin columns
- 100 Collection tubes (2 mL)
- 50 Bead tubes
- 30 mL Lysis Buffer MLK
- 5 mL Enhancer Buffer
- 30 mg Proteinase K
- 8 mL EC Buffer
- 50 mL Binding Buffer
- 10 mL WB2 Buffer
- 10 mL EB Buffer

Purified DNA suitable for all common Molecular Biology applications, such as:
- PCR / qPCR.
- Cloning.
- DNA sequencing.
- Southern blot analysis.

Shipping & Storage
Shipped at: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: All components can be stored at Room Temperature, except Proteinase K (4 ºC). Proteinase K should be stored at -20 ºC for longer-term storage.
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