HigherPurity™ Total RNA Extraction Kit

HigherPurity™ Total RNA Extraction Kit

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Catalog Number: AN0280 (50 rxn), AN0280-XL (250 rxn
For an Highly Efficient, High Quality & Easy Purification of Total RNA from small input amounts
HigherPurity™ Total RNA Extraction Kit is ideal for an highly efficient, high quality and easy isolation and purification of Total RNA from Cultured Animal Cells, Tissue samples, Blood, Bacteria Yeast, Fungi, biologicals fluids and Plants. The purification is based on spin column chromatography using a resin separation matrix.

Advantages & Features
- High quality of Total RNA obtained.
- High yields: up tp 50µg; depends on type of sample.
- Safe: avoids the use of harmful chemicals as phenol or chloroform.
- Easy and fast protocol: results in 30-45 minutes.
- Pure RNA: ready-to-use in all downstream applications.

Includes for 50 rxn:
- 33 mL RNA Buffer Lysis
- 35 mL RNA Wash Buffer-1
- 17 mL RNA Wash Buffer-2
- 5 mL RNA Elution Buffer
- 50 RNAprep spin column
- 50 Collection Tubes

- real-time RT-PCR.
- Northern blotting.
- Primer extension.
- RNase protection.
- Expression array assays.
- microRNA Cloning.

Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: Room Temperature (15–25 °C).
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