Horse-Power™ Red-Taq DNA Polymerase, MasterMix
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Catalog Number: P0027-S (100 rxn
For an Optimized, Accurate & Fast visual Tracking of DNA Migration
For an Optimized, Accurate & Fast visual Tracking of DNA Migration
Horse-Power™ Red-Taq DNA Polymerase is an optimized, accurate and ready-to-use MasterMix (2.5x) that incorporates all PCR reaction components: TruePure™ dNTPs, PCR buffer, Mg²⁺ and Horse-Power™ Taq DNA Polymerase.
The mix also incorporates an agarose Loading Buffer including a red dye for visual tracking of DNA migration and a dense compound to facilitate the drop-down of the samples into the well agarose gels.
Advantages & Features
- Optimized: adds extra nucleotides (preferentially adenine) without template at 3´ends leaving 3´overhangs PCR fragments.
- Time-saving: ready-to-use format that saves time in PCR process and in loading samples on agarose gels.
- Complete solution: includes all PCR reaction components except primers and template.
2.5x (Buffer Red 2.5X, TruePure™ dNTPs 0.5 mM each, HorsePower™ Taq DNA Polymerase 0.25 U/μL, Glycerol 30%).
Assay Conditions:
25 mM Tris-HCl pH9.0 at 25 °C, 50 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mg/mL gelatine, 200 µM dATP, dGTP, dTTP, 100 µM [α32-P] dCTP (0.05 µCi/nmol) and 12.5 µg activated salmon sperm DNA.
100 rxn Horse-Power™ Red-Taq DNA Polymerase Master Mix (2.5x)
*Includes all necessary reagents except template and primer DNA.
- Design for medium or high throughput applications (e.g. colony screening).
- PCR fragments amplification for TA or GC cloning.
Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Gel pack.
Storage: -20 °C.
The mix also incorporates an agarose Loading Buffer including a red dye for visual tracking of DNA migration and a dense compound to facilitate the drop-down of the samples into the well agarose gels.
Advantages & Features
- Optimized: adds extra nucleotides (preferentially adenine) without template at 3´ends leaving 3´overhangs PCR fragments.
- Time-saving: ready-to-use format that saves time in PCR process and in loading samples on agarose gels.
- Complete solution: includes all PCR reaction components except primers and template.
2.5x (Buffer Red 2.5X, TruePure™ dNTPs 0.5 mM each, HorsePower™ Taq DNA Polymerase 0.25 U/μL, Glycerol 30%).
Assay Conditions:
25 mM Tris-HCl pH9.0 at 25 °C, 50 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mg/mL gelatine, 200 µM dATP, dGTP, dTTP, 100 µM [α32-P] dCTP (0.05 µCi/nmol) and 12.5 µg activated salmon sperm DNA.
100 rxn Horse-Power™ Red-Taq DNA Polymerase Master Mix (2.5x)
*Includes all necessary reagents except template and primer DNA.
- Design for medium or high throughput applications (e.g. colony screening).
- PCR fragments amplification for TA or GC cloning.
Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Gel pack.
Storage: -20 °C.
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