Polymyxin B Sulfate

Polymyxin B Sulfate

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Catalog Number: BW-41610036
CAS Number: 1405-20-5
Request Information
An antibiotic mixture active against Gram (-) organisms

Synonym: Aerosporin

USP Grade

Content of Phenylalanine(%): 9-12
Identification(P/F): Pass
Loss on Drying(%): ≤7.0
Potency (Anhydrous)(U/mg): ≥6000
Potency (as is)(U/mg):- Report

Appearance: Solid
RTECS Number: TR1150000

Molecular Weight: 1385.62
Molecular Formula: C55H100N16O21S2
Hazmat Shipping: Non-hazardous
Storage: 2-8°C
Solubility: H2O: 50 mg/mL
Appearance Form: Powder
Appearance Color: White to light yellow
Melting Point: 217 - 220°C
EC No.: 215-774-7
Brand Name: bioPLUS™
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