pSpark® TA
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Catalog Number: C0020 (20 rxn
For Efficient, Stable & Easy cloning of non-proofreading PCR fragments or PCR from a blend of enzymes
For Efficient, Stable & Easy cloning of non-proofreading PCR fragments or PCR from a blend of enzymes
pSpark® TA is efficient, stable and easy-to-use DNA cloning vector based on an optimized TA technology for cloning single 3 ́-adenine overhanging DNA. The vectors are prepared by digestion of pSpark® TA at EcoRV site and the subsequent addition of a single thymidine at each 3 ́- end to allow cloning Taq DNA Polymerase amplified DNA fragments. Its exclusive procedure offers greater efficiency and less background of blue colonies than the others TA vectors.
Advantages & Features
- Efficient: more than 600 white positive colonies expected under optimal conditions.
- Easy-to-use: eliminates screening of recombinants due to its low background (4%).
- High stability: vector without cloning bias due to transcription of toxic genes.
- Fast protocol: ligation time from 60 minutes to overnight.
- Compatible: with direct cloning of PCR products.
- Great versatility: compatible with any competent cell, primer design or particular proofreading DNA Polymerase.
- Cost avoidance: avoids primer phosphorylation.
- 20 rxn pSpark® TA (50 ng/µL)
- 20 µL T4 DNA Ligase (5 Weiss U/µL)
- 100 µL T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (10x)
- 5 µL Insert Control 600kb control insert
- Cloning of non-proofreading PCR fragments.
- Production of ssDNA.
- Blue/white screening for recombinants.
- In vitro transcription from T7/SP6 dual-opposed promoters.
Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Gel Pack.
Storage: -20 ºC (NON Frost-Free Freezer).
Advantages & Features
- Efficient: more than 600 white positive colonies expected under optimal conditions.
- Easy-to-use: eliminates screening of recombinants due to its low background (4%).
- High stability: vector without cloning bias due to transcription of toxic genes.
- Fast protocol: ligation time from 60 minutes to overnight.
- Compatible: with direct cloning of PCR products.
- Great versatility: compatible with any competent cell, primer design or particular proofreading DNA Polymerase.
- Cost avoidance: avoids primer phosphorylation.
- 20 rxn pSpark® TA (50 ng/µL)
- 20 µL T4 DNA Ligase (5 Weiss U/µL)
- 100 µL T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (10x)
- 5 µL Insert Control 600kb control insert
- Cloning of non-proofreading PCR fragments.
- Production of ssDNA.
- Blue/white screening for recombinants.
- In vitro transcription from T7/SP6 dual-opposed promoters.
Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Gel Pack.
Storage: -20 ºC (NON Frost-Free Freezer).
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