Stool Catcher

Stool Catcher

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Catalog Number: SC0112 (100 units), SC0114 (1,000 units
For an Easy, safe and hygienic collection of human fecal samples
The Stool Catcher is a strip of paper with two adhesive strips. By sticking thevStoolCatcher on the toilet seat, the stool is safe from contamination. Instructions are printed directly onto each Stool Catcher for ease of use.

Advantages & Features
- Easy, safe and hygienic collection of human fecal samples.
- Cost-avoidance compared to standard methods.
- Enviromental-friendly.

Includes for 100 units:
- 100 units of ready-to-use Stool chatcher

Stool Catcher previously to Sample Collection & Stabilization steps.

Shipping & Storage
Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
Storage: Room Temperature (15–25 °C).
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