Truenat™ Rabies CE/IVD

Truenat™ Rabies CE/IVD

Catalog Number: 601120005: 5 tests
Catalog Number: 601120020: 20 tests
Format: Semiquantitative assay, lyophilized.
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You are enquiring about Truenat™ Rabies CE/IVD
Semiquantitative detection of Rabies Virus in Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), saliva, brain tissue, corneal swabs specimens of animals and aids in the diagnosis of Rabies virus

Key Features:

- Assay based on Taqman chemistry
- High primer sensitivity and specificity
- Micro chip based real-time PCR assay
- Minimal sample requirement @ 6µL
- Smart chip with lot specific data for quantitation of results
- Chip re-use lock
- Reaction port with contamination/evaporation resistant design

Test Duration: 35 minutes

Storage/Stability: 2 - 30°C for two years
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